Wally The Walleye
Garrison, North Dakota
Wally is the 26-foot-long fiberglass emissary for Garrison, North Dakota, one of the self-proclaimed (and hotly contested) Walleye Capitals of the World.
Wally the Walleye
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Wally the Walleye guards the top of Main Street in Garrison, North Dakota. After the school was burned down in the 1950s, a park was built in its place and Wally was erected to promote fishing for the recently created Lake Sakajawea (created in the 1950s by damning the Missouri River, resulting in the relocation of several tribal villages).
Garrison proclaimed itself the walleye capital of the world, feeding into the rivalry with other self-proclaimed Walleye capitals, including Baudette, Minnesota (home to Willie the Walleye) and—oddly enough Garrison, Minnesota, which also sports a fiberglass walleye statue and has proclaimed itself the walleye capital of the world. Yes, there is a walleye capital/statue rivalry and debate.
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