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Tygart Lake is a hidden gem nestled in the hills of West Virginia, just a 30-minute drive from Morgantown, Fairmont, or Bridgeport.
Located in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains, Tygart Lake stretches across 10 miles, covering a total area of 1,750 acres. The lake was created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1938 as an overflow reservoir for the Tygart, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers when the Tygart River Dam was built. The area quickly became a popular place to boat, and a park grew around the reservoir.
Visitors can rent a boat from Tygart Lake Marina or a kayak from Hardcore Hunters. Tygart Lake State Park offers multiple hiking trails, lakeside dining, a nature center, gift shop, lodging, campsites, and cabins.
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