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Gastro Obscura
Tail O’ the Pup
This L.A. fixture has been serving hot dogs out of a giant hot dog since 1946.
The unmistakable hot dog-shaped wiener stand.
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Tail O’ the Pup is an iconic Los Angeles hot dog stand actually shaped like a hot dog. Built in 1946, the small, walk-up stand has been noted as a prime example of programmatic or mimetic novelty architecture. It was one of the last surviving mid-20th century buildings that were built in the shapes of the products they sold. The current menu includes an assortment of all-beef, hickory-smoked franks, along with burgers, corn dogs, and fries. Order the “1946 Pup,” a split-and-grilled hot dog served on a toasted bun with house mustard and grilled onions.
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June 6, 2023
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