The city of Kutaisi is the second largest city in Georgia and well worth stopping through on its own, but more so for a trip to Prometheus Cave, located about 12 miles away.
Prometheus the Titan, who, along with Epimetheus, was given the task of creating man, managed to annoy the god Zeus by stealing fire from the gods for man and for refusing to tell Zeus which of his children would dethrone him. As a result of this, Zeus ordered his servants to seize Prometheus, take him to the Caucasus Mountains and chain him to a rock with unbreakable bonds, where he would be subjected to a giant bird pecking at his liver.
Legend has it that the rock Prometheus was chained to lies in this cave outside Kutaisi (although it is certainly not the only cave which claims the legend for its own). Discovered in 1984, the cave boasts a wonderful array of stalactites, stalagmites, petrified waterfalls, cave pearls, underground rivers, and lakes. There is also the option of a boat tour on one of the underground rivers.
The cave offers a rather pleasant walk, and is spectacularly neon-lit, although the Mozart playing in certain parts might seem to be going a bit far in terms of attempting to create ambience. And if you go in winter, beware – bears and foxes have been known to hibernate in the caves during the colder months.
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October 28, 2015