Just a few blocks away from the iconic George Restaurant in Pune Cantonment, lies a stone monument within a triangular garden. It is a quiet and peaceful spot to explore, particularly on a Sunday afternoon. The memorial is in the center of the garden. An inscription on the top reads: "In memory of those men of Maharashtra who laid down their lives in the war of 1914-18."
Nearly 1.8 million Indian soldiers fought for the British Indian Army in World War I, and more than 74,000 lost their lives. Around 5,000 came from those areas which are a part of the state of Maharashtra. The memorial mentions every infantry division from the region that fought in the war.
The foundation stone was laid in 1921 by the Prince of Wales. The names of the architects and contractors are also inscribed in a corner. The memorial stands tall, in honor of the soldiers and their brave sacrifice. The garden built around it is lined with beautiful tall trees, offering enthusiastic visitors a chance to stop and gaze at the structure with pride.
The memorial lies right in the heart of Camp, the popular local term for Pune Cantonment, and is just a short walk away from the shops and cafes.
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Know Before You Go
The memorial is located at the junction where Moledina Road meets Dr. Coyaji Road.
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August 17, 2021