Franciscan Church Ruin
A 13th-century convent where St. Margaret of Hungary spent her teenage years.
Dominican Convent
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Margaret Island, or Margitsziget, is a popular recreational area in the middle of the Danube featuring restaurants and landscaped parks. These medieval ruins are the scant remains of a once astounding 13th-century Franciscan church and monastery, a reminder of the island’s importance as a religious center. The church was constructed between 1270 and 1276
Habsburg Archduke Joseph built a summer residence here when he inherited the island in 1867. This summer palace was later converted into a hotel, which operated until 1949.
Presently only ruins are left, a single wall and a broken-down part of a tower, however, they contrast with the modern landscape making them a very popular location among photographers for their romantic charm.
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July 30, 2019
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