Boot Hill – Upper Allyn, Australia - Atlas Obscura

Boot Hill

Upper Allyn, Australia

Thousands of used shoes create a unique public art exhibit along this old paddock fence.  

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Travelers who visit this site often leave their shoes behind, adding to the growing collection and keeping an Upper Alyn tradition alive.

It all started when the owners of the land hung up a few old shoes and a handmade sign on the fence that read “Boot Hill.” Although the original sign no longer exists, the collection has now spread well over a kilometer. More than a thousand shoes are now sprawled across the fence and strewn throughout the neighboring Eucalyptus tree. Along the fence is a group of mismatched chairs, ideal for resting and admiring this unique creation. 

Know Before You Go

This site is easily accessible since it's right along Allyn River Road. The main tree which seems to mark the center of the shoe collection is at 32°13'22.7"S 151°30'30.9"E . Watch out for local cows, they roam freely over the road.

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August 30, 2019

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