Anyone who has visited the Netherlands has undoubtedly come across the country’s famous stroopwafels, a pair of thin, crisp waffles sandwiching a caramel filling. Fans especially enjoy the fantastic aroma that stroopwafel stands emit when making a fresh batch, and many claim that no better treat exists. However, the company Van Meer’s did not agree and decided to up the ante by transforming the stroopwafel into alcohol form.
The resulting liqueur, which won a gold medal at the 2017 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, captures both the distinctive smell and flavor of stroopwafels. At 14.7 percent alcohol, the liqueur has notes of caramel and cinnamon with nutty undertones. If that sounds too sweet to sip on its own, some bartenders recommend mixing it into a White Russian, coffee, or adding a bit to apple cider to make a spiced candy-apple cocktail.
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