Riley, as shown in a WPBN news story. [Screenshot: Atlas Obscura]

It was a long 24 hours this past weekend for Riley, a Michigan dog who fell overboard from a boat and was found a day later, having apparently swum six miles to shore.

Ed and Kristen Casas were out on Lake Michigan Sunday when they realized they hadn’t seen Riley in about 10 minutes, according to ABC7. After a search, the couple confirmed he was missing, sending out a distress signal to other boaters: dog overboard. 

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Nearby boaters and the Coast Guard helped to search the area, but found nothing. Then one of the searchers decided to enlist the power of social media, asking for help online. 

One person said a dog had been spotted just off the coast of Empire, Michigan, or about 15 miles from where the couple launched their boat in Frankfort, Michigan. And on Monday morning came the best tip yet: a possible sighting at a campground closer to Frankfort. 

“Our optimist grew and we found her in 15 minutes,” Ed Casas told ABC7

Riley is estimated to have walked around 12 miles on land, in addition to the swimming. Next time: Stay close, Riley, unless you want to go on an epic swim and land adventure again.