The Mall of America Is Looking for a Writer-in-Residence
Must be willing to deeply immerse in the Mall’s atmosphere.

The Mall of America, which Wikipedia describes as “a shopping mall located in Bloomington, Minnesota” and which is also the largest mall in the United States, is looking for a writer-in-residence.
During a tough era for the traditional shopping mall, the Mall of America, opened in 1992, has persevered and is turning 25. As part of the celebration, the mall is looking for “a special scribe” to celebrate the mall and capture its evolution.
The job: Spend five days “deeply immersed in the Mall atmosphere” and write “on-the-fly impressions” of the place. The position is open to all sorts of writers (journalists, poets, musical comedy writers, etc.) of various levels of experience. The initial application involves writing a short pitch about “how you would approach this assignment.”
The compensation: The Mall will put the writer up in the on-site hotel, give them $400 for food and drink, and a “generous honorarium.”
This isn’t exactly a quit-your-full-time-job-and-escape-out-into-the-world situation, but for the aspiring Don DeLillo, it seems like a great gig.
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