Atlas Obscura Flickr Pool

We want your photos!

I’ve been going through the contributions in our wonderful Flickr Pool and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has added their pictures so far, and to ask the rest of you eclectic travelers and oddities-minded folks to drop by and share some of your favorite shots from your explorations.

We appreciate the use of creatve commons licencing so that we are able to share your pictures here on the blog and on Atlas Obscura listings.

A Visual Odyssey Through the Marvels of Life
Venture into Nature's Unseen Realms with Our New Book Atlas Obscura: Wild Life Order Now
Gastro Obscura Book

In the meantime, here’s links to some of the sets we’ve set up:

Bodie Ghost Town Visit

Atlas Obscura Bodie

More about Bodie in the Atlas..>

Ghost Town Field trip Report..>

Marvelous Maps

Atlas Obscura Marvelous Maps

Well Dressed Skeletons

Atlas Obscura Skeletons

More on the elegantly appointed dead of Waldsassen Basillica here..>

London & the Mongol Rally

Atlas Obscura London

And more to come!

We know a lot of you are amazing photographers, and we’d love to see your shots! If you have a photo stream, set, gallery or other type of photo-collecting type thing that you think we’d like to see, send us a link in the comments!

Atlas Obscura Flickr Group