22 Candid Photos from NASA’s Just-Released Project Apollo Archive
An image from Apollo 9, March 1969. (All Photos: Project Apollo Archive/flickr)
Between 1969 and 1972, 12 men, on 6 different space flights, walked on the moon, with NASA’s Project Apollo. And one of the few things that came with them? A camera.
Thousands photographs from these missions have recently been released onto the Project Apollo Archive Flickr page, presenting unseen views of these historic voyages. It’s a strikingly personal look at space travel. Candid, mesmerizing and, yes, sometimes blurry, here is Atlas Obscura’s picks from this astonishing collection:
Apollo 17’s landing, 1972.
Standing in the hatch of the Apollo 9 Command/Service Modules.
An Apollo 12 moonwalk.
Apollo 12 landed in the south-east area of the moon’s ‘Ocean of Storms’.
Apollo 17’s Commander Eugene Cernan with Command Module Pilot Roland Evans.
The base of the Lunar Module ‘Eagle’ during the Apollo 11 1969 moon landing.
During Apollo 17’s lunar orbit.
The earth as seen by Apollo 11.
Apollo 11’s moon walk. Most of the photographs taken on the surface were by Neil Armstrong.
Harrison Schmidt, Lunar Modul Pilot, has a shave on board Apollo 17.
The ‘Eagle’ in orbit, after separating from Command Module ‘Columbia’, during Apollo 11.
Foot prints on the moon from Apollo 12.
“The Eagle has landed”…Apollo 11’s moon walk.
Lunar Module Pilot Alan Bean of Apollo 12 with his Hasselblad camera, and reflected in his helmet, Mission Commander Charles ”Pete” Conrad.
Apollo 12’s Lunar Module above the moon.
The Lunar Roving Vehicle of Apollo 16.
Tracks from the Lunar Roving Vehicle of Apollo 16.
The view from Apollo 7.
Apollo 16 spent nearly 3 days on the moon’s surface, and completed 3 moonwalks.
One of Apollo 16 ‘s three moon walks. Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke left a plastic-encased photo portrait of his family on the surface with the message ”This is the family of Astronaut Duke from Planet Earth. Landed on the Moon, April 1972.”
Window and controls in Apollo 7, October 1968.
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