lucyya's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Folkestone, England

Folkestone White Horse

One English town's celebratory landmark spurred more trouble than anticipated.
London, England

The Meeting Place

This sculpture encompasses the emotion of rail travel.
Bekesbourne, England

Bekesbourne Tetrahedra Field

An anti-tank graveyard in the English countryside.
Sandwich, England

No Name Street

Almost too short to be an actual street, this stretch of road maintains a unique moniker.
London, England

Coade Stone Caryatids

A measuring mishap led to these artificial stone ladies losing their stomachs.
London, England

The Tower Ravens

Six ravens are kept captive (but well-fed) at the Tower of London to prevent the fall of the Crown.
Great Yarmouth, England

Tyrolean Tubtwist

This freewheeling amusement ride is the last of its kind.
London, England

The Fortnum & Mason Clock

At the top of the hour, figures of the London department store's two co-founders emerge and bow to each other.
London, England

221b Baker Street

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes led to the creation of his fictional address, turning the orderly London street numbers askew.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Dorset, England

Wimborne Minster Model Town

This tiny town features a tiny town that acts as a 3D snapshot of the town during the 1950's.
Cheddar, England

The Cheddar Man and Cannibals Museum

Museum about life, death, and cannibalism in the Stone Age.
Somerset, England

Vicars' Close

The oldest residential street in Europe also features an optical illusion.
Somerset, England

Wells Cathedral Clock

This astronomical clock is the second oldest in England.
Dorset, England

Abbotsbury Swannery

The world's only managed flock of mute swans was established as a factory for monk meat but is now an adorable sanctuary.
Charmouth, England

Charmouth Beach

Cliffs full of fossils at the portal to England's Jurassic Coast.
Meyrin, Switzerland

Birthplace of the Web

The World Wide Web was created in this nondescript corridor at CERN.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Museum

A rare example of World War I trenches from the British front.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Cemetery

In the shadow of a former battleground, the resting place for nearly 2,000 soldiers who died in World War I.
Ypres, Belgium

The Birthplace of 'In Flanders Fields'

The site where one of the most famous poems of World War I was composed is preserved to honor the legacy of the work.
Ypres, Belgium

Menin Gate Memorial

A moving memorial to the fallen and missing from WWI trenches.
Canterbury, England

West Gate Tower Museum

A defensive structure built during the Hundred Years War has remained useful in one way or another for nearly 700 years.
Canterbury, England

Geoffrey Chaucer Statue

Inspired by Thomas Stothard's painting of the "Journey to Canterbury," albeit with Canterbury natives.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.