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Places visited in College Station, Texas
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Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

This funicular railway rumbles along for a mile up the nearly vertical face of Chattanooga’s Lookout Mountain.
New Orleans, Louisiana

National World War II Museum

Formerly known as National D-Day Museum, this collection commemorates the battles of Normandy and WWII.
San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Line in the Sand

Legend has it the commander of the defenders drew a fateful line in the dirt with his sword just before the final battle.
San Antonio, Texas

Rosita's Bridge

An ivy-covered arch bridge dedicated to Tejano music singer and legend Rosita Fernandez.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Centennial Art Deco Buildings

A "Texanic" (gigantic Texas) collection of Art Deco architecture at Dallas' historic Fair Park.
Waco, Texas

Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum

Official museum, hall of fame, and repository of the Texas Rangers.
Paris, Texas

Texas Eiffel Tower

In Paris, Texas they have their own Eiffel Tower, it just has a cowboy hat on it.
Canyon, Texas

Palo Duro Canyon

The Grand Canyon of Texas.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge Snow Sculptures

Each year, teams of the world's best snow sculptors have 65 hours to create frozen masterpieces.
Central City, Colorado

The Face on the Barroom Floor

This underfoot portrait is the work of a disgruntled painter inspired by a tragic poem.
Creede, Colorado

Creede Underground Mining Museum and Community Center

A fake mine that was made using real mining techniques which is also used as a community center.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado

Cadet Chapel

Air Force Academy Chapel made of 100 identical tetrahedrons works to inspire those of all religions.
Golden, Colorado

The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave

The final resting place of American icon Buffalo Bill, and a museum that aids in telling his tale.
Golden, Colorado

The Sculptured House

This iconic science fiction house still looks like something from the future.
Trinidad, Colorado

Ludlow Massacre Site

The scene of one of the darkest moments in American labor history has been left essentially untouched since the tragedy.
Cañon City, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge

The highest bridge in America was built for an almost unnervingly small amount of money.
Alamosa, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

When ecosystems collide in the arid Southwest.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mesa Verde National Park

The ancient dwellings of the Puebloans, located in the cliffs of majestic mesas.
Marble Falls Township, Arkansas

Dogpatch USA

A hillbilly theme park that proved so unpopular the land wouldn't even sell on eBay after it closed.
Hot Springs, Arkansas

Josephine Tussaud Wax Museum

This quirky Arkansas wax museum does not shy away from the macabre and the grotesque.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.