TFK66's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Thira, Greece

Atlantis Books

A quirky bookstore hidden beneath a sea of whitewashed Greek villas.
Vatican City

Vatican Necropolis

Hidden beneath the famous St. Peter's Basilica is a veritable city of the dead that may hold the remains of St. Peter himself.
Vatican City

Stufetta del Bibbiena

The Vatican's secret porn-festooned bathroom was painted in erotic murals by one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance.
Vatican City

Gallery of Maps - Galleria delle Carte Geografiche

Breathtaking and huge 430 year old maps of Italy.
Pompeii, Italy

Thermopolia of Pompeii

Ancient snack bar of the Roman Empire re-opened.
Pompeii, Italy

Stone Phalluses of Pompeii

The walls and streets of the ancient city are peppered with penises.
Pompeii, Italy

The Brothels of Pompeii

Erotic art covers the walls of the largest ancient pleasure palace.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii Thermopolium

Before it was buried by volcanic ash, this fast-food restaurant fed the hungry hordes of ancient Rome.
Wayne, Alberta

Last Chance Saloon

This ghost-town bar has bullet holes and plenty of stories lurking within its walls.
Wayne, Alberta

The 11 Bridges of Wayne

To get to or from this Canadian ghost town, you'll need to cross 11 single-lane bridges.
Drumheller, Alberta

Atlas Coal Mine

A seven-story wooden coal tipple stands this former mine, the last of many that once covered this area.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Hoodoos of Drumheller Valley

Hoodoos, naturally eroded land formations, stand 20 feet tall in the Canadian badlands.
Drumheller, Alberta

Star Mine Suspension Bridge

Not for the faint of heart, this long pedestrian bridge rewards those who brave the wobbly walk with a beautiful view.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Little Church

A six-person chapel in the middle of Alberta's badlands.
Drumheller, Alberta

The World's Largest Dinosaur

As if T-rex wasn't big enough, this Canadian monument is four times larger than the real thing.
Torrington, Alberta

Gopher Hole Museum

Museum of stuffed gophers set up in various scenes.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Mac the Moose

The world's largest moose statue is located (where else?) in Canada.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Tunnels of Moose Jaw

Underground tunnels once home to crime are now back open to the public.
Saint Andrews, Manitoba

Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site

One of Canada's oldest collections of stone fur trading buildings.
Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba

Old Pinawa Dam

The ruined remains of an early hydroelectric dam.
Orlando, Florida

Progress City Model

A glimpse at Walt Disney's vision for a "community of tomorrow," in miniature.
Orlando, Florida

World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's

Opened in 1976, this monster-sized version of the fast-food franchise is sometimes called the Epic McD.
Celebration, Florida

Mickey Pylon

Electrical pylon in the shape of Disney's beloved mouse.