significantotters's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Las Vegas, Nevada

Cactus Joe's Blue Diamond Nursery

At the base of the Spring Mountains, a unique nursery packed with desert plants.
Glenslane, Ireland

The Hole of the Sorrows

This singular Irish dolmen is more Frank Lloyd Wright than upright stonehenge.
Meath, Ireland

Mound of the Hostages

An ancient neolithic tomb that only sees the sun twice a year.
Concord, Massachusetts

Walden Pond

"the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well . . . The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges."
Boston, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall

A former waterfront market is now in the center of town due to some interesting Boston engineering.
Boston, Massachusetts

All Saints Way

"Mock all and sundry things, but leave the saints alone."
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's Old Burying Grounds

Macabre headstones carved with winged skulls, dancing skeletons, and pithy reminders of impending death.
Boston, Massachusetts

North End "Peninsula"

What was once a true peninsula has now been filled in, causing the water to recede and leaving many streetside "waterfronts" and landlocked "islands."
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of St. Anthony's Feast

Each August, one of the largest religious (and food) celebrations in the country is held in Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (The Gardner)

Two thousand artifacts from around the world collected by one woman who loved to travel.
Boston, Massachusetts

Great Boston Molasses Flood Plaque

The site of one of the strangest disasters in history—a wave of deadly molasses traveling at 35 mph.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Old Powder House

Rising 30 feet in the air atop Quarry Hill, the Old Powder House is the oldest stone building in the state of Massachusetts.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Museum of Modern Renaissance

This former Masonic hall has been turned into an art project that uses even more metaphysical iconography.