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Chicago, Illinois

Beer Baron Row

These mansions date back to Chicago's days as a brewer's paradise.
Chicago, Illinois

Championship Vinyl in "High Fidelity"

Where Cusack's record store from the film "High Fidelity" was located.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park

Once called the "Polish Gold Coast" it is an icon of the neighborhood that bears its same name.
Chicago, Illinois

Nelson Algren's Last Residence

"No writer ever gave more to a city and got back less.”
Chicago, Illinois

Puerto Rican Flag Sculptures

Huge abstract sculptures of the Puerto Rican Flag.
Chicago, Illinois

The 606 aka Bloomingdale Trail

The 606 is a decade in the making.
Chicago, Illinois

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Orthodox church partially financed by Tsar Nicolas II.
Chicago, Illinois

Rainbo Club

Beloved bar home to musicians of all eras and reputations.
Chicago, Illinois

The Empty Bottle

A beloved Chicago music venue offering cold beer and lots of “Friendly."
Chicago, Illinois

Site of Eugene Sawyer's “Inauguration”

Parking lot where a Chicago mayor was inaugurated under very sketchy circumstances.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Bath House

A European-style bath house in Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park Secret Agent Supply Co.

This shop for all your super spy needs hides an educational secret.
Chicago, Illinois

Phyllis' Musical Inn

Combination beer garden and music venue in the heart of Wicker Park.
Chicago, Illinois

Shit Fountain

A giant bronze coil of feces is both a tribute to doggie defecation and a reminder to pick it up.
Chicago, Illinois

Nelson Algren Memorial Fountain

Odd, decrepit fountain honors Chicago author who had mixed feelings about his hometown.
Chicago, Illinois

First-Class Relic of Padre Pio

A bloodstain from "the wound of the transverberation of the heart."
Chicago, Illinois

The Alvin

A Chicago Movie Palace Lost to Time.
Chicago, Illinois

The Hub Theatre

Once an ornate movie theater remade by Catholic Charities.
Chicago, Illinois

Goldblatt’s Department Store Flagship Location

Landmark Chicago building narrowly avoided destruction.
Chicago, Illinois

Ida Crown Natatorium

An eccentric park and pool.
Chicago, Illinois

The Museum of Holography

A Museum of Holography frozen in 1974.
Chicago, Illinois

Myopic Books

A Bibliophile's Dream.
Chicago, Illinois

Former Home of MTV’s “The Real World Chicago"

Location of the Real World's disastrous, and protested, eleventh season.
Chicago, Illinois

Flat Iron Building

Not to be confused with the iconic New York City skyscraper, this Chicago building is a vibrant hub for artists.