MidCenturyMissy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stockholm, Sweden

Västra Skogen Escalator

A Stockholm metro station is home to an escalator that is not only the longest in Sweden, but among the longest in the world.
Uppsala, Sweden

Pelle Svanslös Crosswalk

Uppsala's adorable feline sign celebrates a popular children's book set in the Swedish city.
Sigtuna, Sweden

Sigtuna Rådhus (City Hall)

A tiny town hall—in Sweden's one-time capital—might be the smallest in Europe.
Sigtuna, Sweden

Sigtuna Stora Gatan

Sweden's oldest street has not changed for nearly a millennium.
Ekerö, Sweden

Drottningholms Slottsteater

18th century opera in its original splendor.
Stockholm, Sweden

Victoriahuset (Victoria House)

A rare surviving Victorian greenhouse designed specifically to house giant water lilies.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vega Monument

Celebrating the Swedish ship used in the first Arctic expedition to navigate through the Northeast Passage.
Stockholm, Sweden

Meridianen för den Akademiska Kvarten (The Real Meridian for the Academic Quarter)

A response to the wrongly placed meridian of the same name.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Red Line Seats

There are hidden patterns on the subway seats of some Stockholm metro cars.
Stockholm, Sweden

Entombed Cross

This giant crucifix is like U2's Joshua Tree for Swedish death metal fans.
Södermalm, Sweden

Abandoned Eriksdal Train Tunnel

It was meant to help transport wounded soldiers to a secret underground hospital.
Oslo, Norway

Gol Stave Church

This handsomely carved wooden church is more than 800 years old.
Oslo, Norway

Fram Museum

Housing the famous Norwegian ice-defying 19th century polar exploration ship.
Oslo, Norway

Kon-Tiki Museum

Across the Pacific in a raft, a museum dedicated to Thor Heyerdahl's now legendary expedition.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Observatory

When this 18th-century observatory's meridian was moved, it set Sweden's time back by 0.04 seconds.
Stockholm, Sweden

Love Locks of Västerbron

A former suicide bridge is now accumulating symbols of love instead of a body count.
Stockholm, Sweden

Samkönade Trafikljusen

A temporary art piece to celebrate LGBTQ Pride is now a permanent part of Stockholm's traffic landscape.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kungsträdgården Metro Station

Stockholm's deepest subway station is also a stunning ecological wonder.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Hemlös räv' ('Rag and Bone')

This homeless brass fox tugs at your heartstrings from the foot of a Stockholm bridge.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Royal Armoury

A king's bloodstained shirt is among the gruesome collection of artifacts displayed below Stockholm's Royal Palace.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Stockholm, Sweden

Wooden Horse Museum

This small museum nestled inside a souvenir shop is dedicated to Sweden's most well-known toy.
Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm's tiniest statue is of a small boy looking at the Moon.