luckytoo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Dawson City, Yukon
Places visited in Tlell, British Columbia
Places visited in Greenwood, British Columbia
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Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Hyder, Alaska


The easternmost town in Alaska can only be accessed from Canada.
Malahat, British Columbia

Malahat Skywalk

This 820-foot-high spiral ramp is a walkway to the sky.
Tilley, Alberta

Brooks Aqueduct

Built to supply water to farmers in Alberta, this was once was the world's longest elevated concrete structure.
Parkland, British Columbia

Kiskatinaw Bridge

The first curved wooden bridge in Canada was built as part of the Alaska-Canada Highway.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Red River Floodway

A marvel of engineering built to prevent annual floods from devastating the city of Winnipeg.
Oil Springs, Ontario

Oil Museum of Canada

A petroleum heritage museum on the site where James Miller Williams dug the first commercial oil well on the continent in 1858.
Greenwood, British Columbia

Greenwood Stack

This former smelter is a crumbling ruin, with the exception of its towering smokestack.
Dawson Creek, British Columbia

Alaska-Canada Highway Mile 0

The arch marks the beginning of the road for northbound travelers.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Sault Canal Locks

Beautiful scenery, history, science, and physics come together in this remnant of shipping lore.
Greenwood, British Columbia

The Ghost Town of Phoenix

Only a few remaining items alert intrepid explorers that a town once stood in this region.
Lloydminster, Alberta


This Canadian city is actually two-in-one, even if they only respect the timezone of one side.
Dawson City, Yukon

Dawson City Museum

A lasting testament to the Klondike Gold Rush.
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Signal Hill

The first transatlantic wireless signal was received at this 17th-century fort.
British Columbia, Canada

Kiidk'yaas, the Golden Spruce

This revered mutant tree was felled in an act of ecoterrorism leaving a legacy of myth and possibly murder.
Improvement District No. 9, Alberta

Banff Wildlife Crossings

Though many were skeptical at first, these animal-specific routes across the Trans-Canada Highway have been a major conservation success.
Whitehorse, Yukon

The World's Largest Weathervane, a DC-3

This decommissioned DC-3 now forever points into the oncoming wind.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Fort Gibraltar

The intense competition of the 19th-century fur trading industry played out at this fort in Western Canada.
Wetaskiwin, Alberta

Reynolds-Alberta Museum

An automotive, farming machinery, and aviation museum located in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada.
Port McNeill, British Columbia

The Ronning Burl

A Canadian port town is oddly home to two of the largest tree burls in the world.
Kaslo, British Columbia

SS Moyie

The "Crow Boat" of Kootenay Lake, sold for a dollar and now on display as "the world's oldest intact passenger sternwheeler."
Sparwood, British Columbia

The World's Largest Tandem Axle Truck

Nestled near the mountains of western Canada resides this behemoth earth mover.
Moncton, New Brunswick

Moncton Tidal Bore

Twice a day, the water of the Petitcodiac River flows upstream in a surfable wave.
White Rock, British Columbia

The Great White Rock

Bird dung painted this huge boulder which in turn inspired the name of a city.