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Places visited in Jackson, Tennessee
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Washington, D.C.

The Mary Surratt Boarding House

The house where John Wilkes Booth conspired with his co-conspirators.
New Orleans, Louisiana

La Belle Nouvelle Orleans Antiques

This unique shop is full of memento mori art, antique medical equipment, secret society paraphernalia, and historical relics.
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

Keahole Point Blowhole

This unusual lava tube spouts seawater during high surf.
Kailua, Hawaii

Ocean Rider Seahorse Farm

Get up close and personal with these majestic fish.
Lorain, Ohio

Black River Ghost Ship

A former Canadian automobile ferry mysteriously appeared in the Black River 20 years ago, and now it quietly rusts away.
Jackson, Tennessee

International Rock-A-Billy Hall of Fame

An unknown Hall of Fame in Jackson, Tennessee.
McMinnville, Tennessee

Falcon Rest Mansion

This lavish abode was once the home of the inventor of "Gorilla Pants."
Jackson, Tennessee

Casey Jones Village

This Tennessee museum is dedicated to a tragic railroad hero who inspired the famous ballad that bears his name.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

International Towing and Recovery Museum

This museum dedicated to an oft-overlooked support industry features a surprisingly moving brass diorama of a man being saved from a sinking car.