jorge21rodriguez's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Floralis Generica

105-foot wide giant metallic flower blooms anew every day in the heart of Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Buenos Aires' city of the dead contains some very famous remains, including Eva Perón.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Zanjón de Granados

Museum housed in underground tunnels that date back to Buenos Aires's earliest settlements.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Manzana de las Luces

A gateway to a mysterious network of underground tunnels.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Palacio Barolo

A tower devoted to — and modeled after — the Divine Comedy.
Colonia Del Sacramento, Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento Lighthouse

Constructed on the ruins of a convent, this tower saved countless lives.
Havana, Cuba

La Plaza de la Revolución

A focal point of the Cuban government, this city square features one of the most iconic images in the country.
Havana, Cuba

El Caballero de Paris (The Gentleman from Paris)

This statue in Plaza San Francisco commemorates a beloved figure from 1950s Havana.
Llao Llao, Argentina

Llao Llao Resort

One of South America's most exclusive resorts has a storied history dating back to World War II.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Chacarita

A vast necropolis where you'll find the elaborate mausoleums of Argentinian tango stars.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Casa Mínima

The narrowest house in Buenos Aires is less than 10 feet wide.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mafalda Monument

These small sculptures pay homage to the lovable star of an iconic Argentine comic strip.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fuente de las Nereidas

This beautiful fountain was sculpted by a female artist who was ahead of her time.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mausoleum of José de San Martín

The final resting place of the liberator of Argentina is guarded around the clock by two soldiers.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Parque Rivadavia Book Market

With its vast selection of books, comics, and records, this nearly 70-year-old open-air market always rewards the patient browser.