jjmac's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Itoman, Japan

Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Park

A unique memorial made up of a collection of memorials, all commemorating the Battle of Okinawa in World War II.
Kearney, Nebraska

The Great Platte River Road Archway Monument

A museum chronicling pioneer life constructed over Interstate 80.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hatch Show Print

At 135 years old and counting, this historic print shop is heaven for poster nerds and music buffs.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
Nashville, Tennessee

Ryman Alley

The alley connecting two of country music’s most historic venues has a rich history of its own.
Nashville, Tennessee

Saint Mary of the Seven Sorrows Catholic Church

This church houses the “incorrupt” body of its founding Bishop.
Nashville, Tennessee

President James K. Polk's Tomb

The grave of America's 11th president is not in some grand monument but instead it's hidden away on the grounds of the Tennessee Capital.
Nashville, Tennessee

Downtown Presbyterian Church

Victorian-era Egyptomania left its mark on this Nashville landmark.
Savannah, Georgia

The Marshall House

An early-19th-century hotel with a past that is steeped in the Civil War.
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Savannah, Georgia

The Pirates' House

This kitschy tavern is also home to rare early editions of "Treasure Island."
Savannah, Georgia

1996 Olympic Yachting Cauldron

A monument to one of the few Olympic flames ever to be lit outside of the host city.
Savannah, Georgia

Graveface Museum

Hidden amid the old-world charm of Savannah is a museum dedicated to the world of oddities and criminal history.
Savannah, Georgia

Lucas Theatre

The first public building in Savannah to offer air conditioning was a luxurious cinema that still operates today.
Savannah, Georgia

Colonial Park Cemetery

One of Savannah's oldest and most haunted cemeteries, featuring graves desecrated by Sherman's Union Army.
Savannah, Georgia

The Waving Girl

A statue honoring 44 continuous years of greeting passing ships.
Savannah, Georgia

Original Taco Bell Sign

This twisty sign depicts the chain's first logo.
Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Interchange Spiral

Must form and function forever remain at odds? Not if the Florida Department of Transportation has its way.
Port Orange, Florida

Bongoland Ruins

Strange beasts lurking in a garden are all that remain of a quirky, short-lived theme park.
Ponce Inlet, Florida

Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse

The third tallest lighthouse in America once guided author Stephen Crane to safety.
Port Orange, Florida

The Last Resort Bar

Where serial killer Aileen Wuornos drank her last beer.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida

DC-7 at Epic Flight Academy

An aviation relic that made coast-to-coast travel possible.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Old Fort Park

These mysterious ruins are hidden amid this sleepy coastal city.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Cruger-dePeyster Sugar Mill Ruins

Despite being made of a seashell mortar, the crumbling remains of this historic Florida mill are still standing.