indydc's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Munich, Germany

Orlando di Lasso Statue

This tribute to the 16th-century composer is now an unusual shrine to Michael Jackson.
Grindelwald, Switzerland

Bahnhof Eismeer (Eismeer Railroad Station)

The second-highest train station in Europe.
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Sphinx Observatory

A historic observatory precariously perched at the "Top of Europe."
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Ax-Man Surplus

The Midwest's reigning king of surplus stores is full of nothing you need and everything you want.
Bloomington, Minnesota

The Mall of America

Equal parts record-breaking temple to consumerism and bizarre fun park, it's more than you think it is...
Everett, Pennsylvania

Giant Quarter

A 20-foot-tall quarter commemorates George Washington’s ties to Bedford County.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old North Church

The site of Paul Revere's historic two lantern warning.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of Boston's First Bell

The first bell ever cast in Boston was cast by Paul Revere...and sounded terrible.
Boston, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall

A former waterfront market is now in the center of town due to some interesting Boston engineering.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Massacre

The American Revolution was galvanized into serious action due to the tragic clash with British soldiers that occurred at this location.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's Old Burying Grounds

Macabre headstones carved with winged skulls, dancing skeletons, and pithy reminders of impending death.
Boston, Massachusetts

Statue of Mary Dyer

Dedicated to a colonial woman who was hanged for being a Quaker.
Boston, Massachusetts

Brattle Book Shop

One of the oldest used bookstores in the U.S. has been selling antiquarian treasures since 1825.
Boston, Massachusetts

'The Embrace'

This bronze sculpture was inspired by a photograph of Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife embracing after he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Boston, Massachusetts

Make Way for Ducklings Statue

Mrs. Mallard and her brood are a beloved fixture in Boston Public Garden.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mill City Museum and site of "The Great Mill Disaster"

When flour explodes, it's not a pretty sight.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
Nashville, Tennessee

President James K. Polk's Tomb

The grave of America's 11th president is not in some grand monument but instead it's hidden away on the grounds of the Tennessee Capital.
Montreal, Québec

Insectarium of Montreal

The biggest museum dedicated to insects in North America, one of the largest in the world.
Montreal, Québec

Biosphere of Montreal

Designed by Buckminster Fuller, this relic of the 67 Expo survived fire and ice.
Montreal, Québec

Le Stade Olympique

A massive Montreal stadium that has seen nothing but trouble since its inception.
Montreal, Québec

Oratoire St. Joseph

City law dictates that this mountaintop cathedral containing the heart of a saint is to remain the tallest building in town.
Washington, D.C.

George Washington University's River Horse

The hippo that stands on this university campus was once a drunken flea market purchase.