Freeplanet's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Riga, Latvia

House of the Blackheads

The reconstruction of this prominent building fulfilled a long-written command.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Ponce de León Hotel

A luxurious 1880s hotel with its fair share of Tiffany stained glass, Edison electricity, and of course, ghosts.
St. Augustine, Florida

Castillo de San Marcos

The walls of America's oldest masonry fort famously "swallowed" cannonballs.
Dambulla, Sri Lanka

Dambulla Royal Cave Temple

This ancient cave temple complex is the largest and best-preserved temple complex in Sri Lanka.

Deception Island

An abandoned whaling station on an active volcano offers hot springs in Antarctica, surrounded by ruined giants of industry.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.

Harrison's Cave

This popular tourist cave was ignored for almost 200 years before being mined into an attraction.
Tikal, Guatemala

Spider Monkeys of Tikal

Monkeys inhabit the lush forest surrounding ancient Mayan ruins once considered sacred.
George Town, Cayman Islands

George Town

The capital of the Cayman Islands is a center of offshore banking, but gets battered by blistering hurricanes.
New York, New York

Alice in Wonderland Statue

This whimsical group of statues is a favorite of children who love to climb all over Lewis Carroll's beloved characters.
New York, New York

Asiatic Leopard Diorama

One of the most dazzling dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History is also one of the oldest.
New York, New York

Hallett Nature Sanctuary

Long the exclusive domain of birds and vagabonds, this little-known Central Park peninsula is open to the public once more.
Sarasota, Florida

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

A circus legend leaves an unexpected endowment.
Sarasota, Florida

Medieval Art Exhibit at the Ringling Museum

The collection of 80+ pieces created between the years 1100 and 1500 is intended to be seen, heard, smelled, touched, and tasted.