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Places visited in Indianapolis, Indiana
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Toronto, Ontario

Lucy Maud Montgomery Park

Named after one of Canada's greatest writers who lived out her days in this quaint neighborhood.
Toronto, Ontario

Toronto Neighbourhood Watch Signs

The Incredible Hulk, Yoda, Mulder and Scully, and many many others watch over the mean streets of Toronto.
Toronto, Ontario

The Rainbow Tunnel

This colorful creation wasn't always a welcome part of Toronto's Moccasin Trail Park.
Fairmount, Indiana

The James Dean Museum and Garfield Museum

Two Indiana icons are honored at this tiny museum, which features the world's largest collection of James Dean memorabilia.
Lincoln City, Indiana

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

The farm where one of America's greatest leaders was raised is now a well-appointed landmark.
Santa Claus, Indiana

Santa Claus, Indiana

You thought Santa Claus didn't exist, but it turns out you were wrong.
Shoals, Indiana

Jug Rock

The only freestanding table rock formation east of the Mississippi.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Allison Mansion

This elaborate estate contains a stunning marble aviary, a sunken conservatory, and a magnificent music room with a two-story pipe organ.
Paradise, Michigan

Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

This lighthouse and shipwreck museum keep a torch burning for the memory of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Steam Clock

At the top of the hour, this steam-powered clock's eight brass whistles play "Back Home Again in Indiana."
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis Moon Tree

A 30-year-old Sycamore tree grown from a seed taken to the moon and back.
Henderson, Kentucky

Audubon Museum & Nature Center

View Kentucky's beauty and history from the perspective of painter John James Audubon, author and illustrator.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Elvis Presley Final Concert Plaque

A monument to the King's final show, complete with a time capsule.
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Idle

A park where you can watch the highway zoom past.
Indianapolis, Indiana


This former office building has been transformed into an immersive music venue and art space.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Medical History Museum

A medical facility that has been kept frozen in time.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Food Gatherers' Giant Carrots

The 10-foot-tall vegetables belong to Michigan’s first food rescue program.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Atlanta, Georgia

RONDO Distributing Co.

For the last eight decades, this curious shop has been ridding Atlanta of bad juju.
Atlanta, Georgia

Coca-Cola Secret Formula Vault

One of corporate America's best-kept secrets is also one of the most publicly displayed.
Atlanta, Georgia

Folk Art Park

A psychedelic tribute to one of Georgia's most unique artistic visionaries, out of place and time in the heart of Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama

The Battle of Atlanta in 360 degrees, featuring a corpse that bears a striking resemblance to Clark Gable.
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Pyramids

Inspired by a piece of concrete, these three pyramid-shaped buildings have been beloved Indianapolis landmarks for over 50 years.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


A giant ball made from pieces of an old Jeep.