candipants80's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Little Compton, Rhode Island

Gray's General Store

Founded in 1788, this Rhode Island institution is the oldest operating general store in America.
New Haven, Connecticut

Ingalls Rink

It looks like a whale, it's part of Yale, and it's best-known by a nickname you can probably work out for yourself.
Essex, Connecticut

'Turtle' Submarine at Connecticut River Museum

This museum holds a fully-functional replica of the "Turtle," the first American submarine ever built.
Roxbury, Connecticut

Mine Hill Preserve

The remnants of a 19th-century ironmaking complex hidden in the woods of Connecticut.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Strawbery Banke

New Hampshire's first neighborhood is now preserved as a historic village with live action role players.
Brattleboro, Vermont

Estey Organ Museum

Play everything you see at a museum dedicated to a town's historic organ industry.
Danville, Vermont

The Forgotten Village at Greenbank's Hollow

Industrial ruin decimated this tiny New England company town in a fashion no one saw coming… and even fewer remember today.
South Hero, Vermont

Miniature Castles of South Hero

A gardener's enduring labor of love is spread throughout a small Vermont town.
Framingham, Massachusetts

Lothrop Wight Penny

This penny stopped a bullet and saved a soldier’s life during the American Civil War.
Boston, Massachusetts

Charles River Esplanade Pi Plaque

Dedicated to the neverending mathematical constant, this plaque next to a park bench was sponsored by an anonymous benefactor.
Hudson, Massachusetts

United Memorial Chapel for All Faiths

One of the smallest churches in the United States is located along the side of the road in a residential neighborhood.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lewis and Harriet Hayden House

Former home of an abolitionist couple who escaped slavery and established the most active Underground Railroad stop in Boston.
Fairhaven, Massachusetts

Millicent Library

Some big-name visitors have patronized this small-town library named for an oil man's daughter.
Hull, Massachusetts

City of Salisbury Shipwreck

A freighter full of exotic animals ends a harrowing voyage impaled on uncharted rocks in the Boston Harbor.
Gloucester, Massachusetts

The Greasy Pole at Saint Peter's Fiesta

In Gloucester, Massachussets, fishermen celebrate a successful year at sea by charging a lubed pole to capture an Italian flag.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Frances H. and Jonathan Drake House

This unassuming Massachusetts residence was built with a trap door to hide escapees on the Underground Railroad.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Toys of Eros

This stimulating sex toy museum is sure to arouse the interest of its visitors.
Boston, Massachusetts

98 Prince Street

The infamous Boston Mob ran rackets from an office here in the 1970s.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Busta Rhymes Island

One man is on a singular quest to name an island after a famous hip-hop artist.