kurt daba8256's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Krakow, Poland

Statue of Jan Matejko

Extremely famous in his native country, this Cracovian painter is all but unknown beyond Polish borders.
Krakow, Poland

Aleja Gwiazd (Avenue of Stars)

Krakow's own version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Krakow, Poland

Wawel Dragon's Den

This Polish cave has housed a dragon, a brothel, and an enduring legend.
Krakow, Poland

Dżok the Dog Monument

A statue commemorating a Polish dog who took his role as man's best friend very seriously.
Warsaw, Poland

Oberża Pod Czerwonym Wieprzem

Order “Proletariat’s Cutlet” at this communist-themed restaurant allegedly once visited by Lenin.
San Luis Obispo, California

'The Iron Road Pioneers'

A simple statue outside a California Amtrak station honors the overlooked contributions of the "silent spikes."
San Luis Obispo, California

Poly Canyon - Experimental Structures Lab

A deserted hodgepodge of experimental structures designed by nearby university students.
San Luis Obispo, California

The Bells of El Camino Real

A chain of bells connect the California Missions and honor the legend of the "King’s Highway."
San Luis Obispo, California

San Luis Obispo's Bubblegum Alley

An alley covered with 20 years of bubble gum.
San Luis Obispo, California

The Dorn Pyramid

A Mysterious Masonic tomb in San Luis Obispo.
Thousand Palms, California

Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve

Hike amid the palm trees that thrive among Southern California's Indio Hills.
Mecca, California

Salton Sea

The ghostly remains of an accidental sea.
Calipatria, California

Carcass Beach

At this deceptively beautiful beach, nothing is what it seems.
Calipatria, California

Slab City

This abandoned Navy base was transformed into an off-grid alternative living community for thousands of people.
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.
Tecopa, California

China Ranch Date Farm

This secluded date farm can be reached only by following a bumpy, single-lane desert road.
Inyo County, California

Ubehebe Crater

A massive hydrovolcanic explosion left a half-mile wide crater in Death Valley.
Inyo County, California

Scotty's Castle

An abandoned Jazz Age dream home and con man's hideout in Death Valley.
Inyo County, California

Devils Golf Course Landscape

"Only the devil could play golf here."
Death Valley, California

Wildrose Charcoal Kilns

Ten 25-foot-tall, beehive-shaped kilns, abandoned in Death Valley.
Inyo County, California

Badwater Basin

The lowest point in North America is home to an undrinkable pool surrounded by fields of geometric salt flats.
Inyo County, California

Artist's Drive

Millions of years of oxidation make a drive down this winding Death Valley road surprisingly colorful.
Furnace Creek, California

Harmony Borax Works

This crumbling Death Valley mining complex was known for its use of giant, 20-mule team wagons.
San Francisco, California

Fort Point

Beneath the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge is the “Gibraltar of the West Coast,” a fort built to protect the San Francisco Bay from naval attack.