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Places visited in Nashville, Indiana
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Corydon, Indiana

Corydon Capitol

In Indiana's first capital city of Corydon, the original State Capitol still stands among other historic buildings.
Corydon, Indiana

Constitution Elm

Indiana's first constitution was drafted in the shade of this elm tree in the summer of 1816.
Columbus, Indiana

First Christian Church

The design of this modernist church was revolutionary when it was constructed in 1942.
Nashville, Indiana

House of the Singing Winds

In the hills of southern Indiana is the idyllic studio and museum of legendary artist T.C. Steele.
Osgood, Indiana

Bilby Tower

The last example of an innovative piece of surveying equipment now stands in its inventor's hometown.
Bloomfield, Indiana

A.M. Kennedy and Sons Covered Bridge

One of the last remaining covered bridges in the region.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Soldiers & Sailors Observatory

This Indianapolis landmark offers a secret panoramic view of the city. 
Clarksville, Indiana

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Marine fossils from the Devonian period are exposed at this park.
Bloomington, Indiana

Captain Janeway Statue

It's a unique monument honoring a great character who inspired a generation of young women to be more and pursue their dreams.
Mitchell, Indiana

Virgil I. Gus Grissom Rocket Monument

This memorial to the Mercury Seven astronaut stands at the site of his former elementary school.
Clarksville, Indiana

Colgate Clock

The massive, original Colgate Clock is mounted on a defunct factory building that was once a prison.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Landmarks Center

The largest historic preservation organization in the United States.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indy's Teeny Statue of Liberty Museum

The building is topped by a Statue of Liberty statue whose torch has stayed burning since the museum opened.
Nashville, Indiana

The Sock Barn

Where hikers on the Tecumseh Trail can exchange a dirty sock for a free geode.
Santa Claus, Indiana

Santa Claus, Indiana

You thought Santa Claus didn't exist, but it turns out you were wrong.
Bloomington, Indiana

Beebe Gallery at the Kinsey Institute

A lesser-known part of the Kinsey Institute is this impressive collection of art, artifacts, and material culture related to human sexuality.
Charlestown, Indiana

Rose Island

Ruined pieces of stone and a swimming pool are all that remain of an amusement park swept away by a flood.
West Baden Springs, Indiana

Historic West Baden Springs Hotel

A turn-of-the-century architectural marvel built on healing mineral springs and salt licks.