magoepp2022's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Syracuse, Italy
Places visited in Broxburn, Scotland
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Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.
Cambridge, England

The Eagle

The Cambridge pub where Francis Crick announced that he and James Watson had discovered the DNA double-helix.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Norwich, England

Fye Bridge

One of the oldest bridges in Norwich was used during the English witch trials and is said to be haunted.
Norwich, England

Norwich Castle Museum

This medieval castle is filled with an eccentric collection that ranges from ancient Egyptian artifacts to taxidermy to a mummified hand that was cut off during a duel.
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, England

Lindisfarne, the Holy Island

This tidal island, a sacred site in early English Christianity, was the target of a notable Viking invasion.
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, England

Pilgrims Way to Holy Island

Twice a day this ancient path disappears with the tides, leaving the Holy Island of Lindisfarne out to sea.
Carlisle, England

The Policeman Grotesque

A stone copper was sculpted on the wall of the Carlisle Cathedral to honor a local hero.
Durham, England

The Count's House

A rather grand, but tiny, folly on the banks of the River Wear associated with a Polish count.
Durham, England

Elvet Bridge

Though this bridge was originally built in the 12th century, only one of its 10 arches dates back that far.
Durham, England

Finchale Priory

The former "holiday home" for monks at the Durham Cathedral.
Durham, England

Stone Gargoyle Chair

An unusual stone chair can be found on the banks of the River Wear, not far from Durham Cathedral.
Durham, England

Palace Green Library

This library dates back to the late 17th century and was one of the first public lending libraries in England.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

The Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle

This century-old grotesque has a mysterious history and may not actually be a rabbit.
York, England

National Railway Museum York

The National Railway Museum in York is the largest railway museum in the world, attracting almost 1 million visitors per year.
York, England

Lloyds Bank Coprolite

An incredibly well-preserved piece of ninth-century Viking poop.
York, England


One of the shortest streets in York has an especially odd name.
York, England

The York Ghost Merchants

Makers and sellers of the original and finest York Ghosts.
York, England

The Snickelways of York

This network of narrow, medieval passages has the most delightful name.
York, England

Shambles of York

Follow the original medieval paths that wind through this intriguing section of the city.
York, England

Cat Statues of York

A century-old tradition has culminated in a small but singular collection of feline effigies.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's First Street

Historic Hull Street was actually the first street with a proper name in the Boston area.
Boston, Massachusetts

USS Constitution

Berthed at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston, "Old Ironsides" is the oldest commissioned warship still afloat.