chelseanowicki's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jamestown, New York

Robert Jackson Center

This institution pays tribute to an associate justice who protected civil rights and prosecuted Nazis.
Cassadaga, New York

Lily Dale Spiritualist Community

Town full of spiritualists, some of whom are mediums, is still in full swing after 130 years.
East Otto, New York

Griffis Sculpture Park

A collection of unique outdoor sculptures surounded by the beauty of nature.
Youngstown, New York

Old Fort Niagara

This historic fort spans more the 300 years.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Clifton Hill

This Niagara Falls tourist trap is a world bright with neon and curiosities that will inspire love, hate, or a mixture of both.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

The Tunnel at Niagara Parks Power Station

A tunnel that brings more than a century of history to life from the deepest parts of the Niagara Gorge.
Niagara Falls, New York

Niagara Tesla Monument in New York

One of many reminders of Tesla's scientific contributions overlooks the falls which inspired him.
Sanborn, New York

Native American Museum of Art

This overlooked gem outside Niagara Falls preserves and celebrates Iroquois culture.
Eden, New York

Original American Kazoo Company

This two-room factory has been cranking out the musical signifier of zaniness for a century.
Niagara Falls, New York

Love Canal Containment Zone

Toxic waste disaster that founded the Superfund program.
Orchard Park, New York

Eternal Flame Falls at Chestnut Ridge County Park

A natural gas leak provides a flickering flame beneath a waterfall.
Buffalo, New York

Shark Girl

The absurd creation is a compulsory destination for selfies in Buffalo.
Buffalo, New York

Buffalo City Hall

The seat of Buffalo government is a gorgeous Art Deco palace.
Corbett, Oregon

Vista House at Crown Point

This extravagant Art Nouveau rest stop features a million-dollar view of the Columbia River.
Boring, Oregon

North American Bigfoot Center

Founded by Cliff Barackman of 'Finding Bigfoot' fame, this museum is dedicated to the study of North America's unacknowledged hairy woodland hominids.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House

A 200-year-old bar in the historic French Quarter refuses to give up its place in history, nor its role in securing ours.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Holt Cemetery

A haunting, yet lovingly hand-hewn potters' field full of graves that flood with each heavy rain.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
New Orleans, Louisiana

BMike's Studio Be

An abandoned warehouse turned art sanctuary in New Orleans.
Mandeville, Louisiana

Seven Sisters Oak

Some believe this tree to be more than 1,500 years old.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The world-record holder for the longest bridge stretching continuously over water.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Music Tree

A hurricane-stricken oak tree has been reborn as a beautiful chainsaw artwork.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dooky Chase's Restaurant

Parts of the civil rights movement unfolded in this historic eatery, helmed by the "Queen of Creole Cuisine."
New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans AIDS Memorial

The neighborhood surrounding the memorial was the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in Louisiana.