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Places visited in Yermo, California
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Clark County, Nevada

Valley of Fire

The drama of nature in full effect in this Nevada State Park.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

Dyed by iron oxide over centuries, these sandstone rocks rise thousands of feet into the sky.
Sloan, Nevada

Seven Magic Mountains

Brightly colored 30-foot-tall totems light up the desert sky just outside Las Vegas.
Goodsprings, Nevada

Pioneer Saloon

The wild west is still alive and well at this authentic mining town watering hole.
Primm, Nevada

Prizm Outlets

This mostly abandoned shopping outlet is now adorned with beautiful graffiti and murals.
Baker, California

World's Largest Thermometer

This giant temperature attraction created some giant electric bills.
Baker, California

Alien Fresh Jerky

Finally the worlds of UFO enthusiasts and beef jerky lovers have come together in this roadside shop.
Yermo, California

Liberty Sculpture Park

A collection of anti-communist sculptures stands watch in the Mojave Desert.
Yermo, California

Peggy Sue's 50's Diner & Diner-Saur Park

Like a kitschy mirage in the Mojave, this eatery serves up classic 50s-style diner meals and a dinosaur sculpture garden.
Yermo, California

Calico Ghost Town

A desert ghost town—occupied for only 12 years—was once home to more than 500 silver mines.
Crestline, California

Heart Rock Falls

Carved by a waterfall in a hard-to-reach rock formation, this heart-shaped rock has inspired romantics for decades.
San Bernardino, California

Unofficial McDonald's Museum

This unlicensed collection of fast-food memorabilia sits on the site of the first ever McDonald's restaurant.
Redlands, California

Lincoln Memorial Shrine

The only museum and archive west of the Mississippi that is dedicated to the study of Abraham Lincoln.
Williams, Arizona

Flintstones Bedrock City

An homage to everyone's favorite prehistoric cartoon family.
Cameron, Arizona

Cameron Trading Post

More than a century old, this trading post resides in the Navajo Nation.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Walnut Canyon

Ancient pueblos built into the base of a natural canyon wall.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Lowell Mausoleum

The final resting place of the businessman-turned-astronomer who helped discover Pluto stands near his observatory.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Lowell Observatory

This Arizona observatory is famous for investigations into Martian life, and as the place humans first spotted Pluto.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Pluto Discovery Telescope

A planet-hunting astrograph built in the 1920s to seek out the so-called "Planet X" beyond Uranus.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Old Two Spot Logging Train

Crafted in 1911, this steam locomotive spent its entire working life in Flagstaff.
Sedona, Arizona

Teal McDonald's Arches

The world's only teal arches exist in a city that cares more about its aesthetic than an Instagram influencer.
Sedona, Arizona

Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park

This 24-acre park offers a place for meditation in the midst of Sedona's iconic red rocks.
Sedona, Arizona

Chapel of the Holy Cross

A spiritual vortex among the red rocks in Sedona.
Rimrock, Arizona

Montezuma Well

This sinkhole in the Arizona desert is filled with carbonated, arsenic-rich water