muddylilo88's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Monon, Indiana

Whistle Stop Restaurant

Train cars and railroad artifacts abound at this restaurant devoted to railway history.
Lake Village, Indiana

Giant Lady's Leg Sundial

A unique outdoor timepiece at a "clothing-optional" resort.
Riverside, Ohio

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Inside houses a vast collection of military aircraft and missiles spanning the ages.
Dayton, Ohio

"Stumpy" John Silver

This stuffed pigeon of war had the very serious name "John Silver" until he lost a leg in battle.
Dayton, Ohio

SAM 26000

You can walk through the first Boeing Air Force One, which famously carried JFK's casket from Dallas back to D.C.
Germantown, Ohio

Germantown Covered Bridge

This bridge uses an inverted bowstring truss and is believed to be the only of its kind in the United States.
Metamora, Indiana

Grannie's Cookie Jars & Ice Cream Parlor

More than 3,200 cookie jars line the walls and shelves of this little shop and over 1,000 salt and pepper shakers
Greensburg, Indiana

Courthouse Tree

For over 100 years, this Indiana town has had a tree growing out the top of the local courthouse.
Vernon, Indiana

Old Tunnel Mill

This former mill tunnel was blasted under the ridge to divert a portion of the Muscatatuck River.
Bardstown, Kentucky

Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History

The history of whiskey and all of its boozy glory, from Colonial days to modern American cocktail culture.
Lynn, Indiana

Hoosier Hill

The highest point in Indiana is curated by an Eagle scout but may be in danger of losing its record to a nearby garbage pile.
Benton Harbor, Michigan

House of David

The remains of a religious colony, its amusement park, zoo, and baseball empire.
Dayton, Ohio

The Avrocar

A real flying saucer, contracted by the U.S. Air Force.
Frankenmuth, Michigan

Bronner's Christmas Wonderland

World's largest Christmas store.
Charlestown, Indiana

Rose Island

Ruined pieces of stone and a swimming pool are all that remain of an amusement park swept away by a flood.
Florence, Kentucky

Florence Y'all Water Tower

After a water tower painting was accused of being an ad, a simple fix was made that gave the city a motto.
Wheatfield, Indiana

Dunn’s Bridge

This bridge was constructed from the remains of the first Ferris wheel.
Mishawaka, Indiana

Shiojiri Garden

One of the few authentic Japanese gardens in the state of Indiana and perhaps the most peaceful place in the city of Mishawaka.
Michigan City, Indiana

Mysterious Sinkholes of Mt. Baldy

A chilling disappearance (and rescue) of a child uncovers a geological mystery.
New Carlisle, Indiana

Studebaker Tree Sign

One of the world’s largest living advertisements is made out of pine trees.
Lexington, Kentucky

Dixie Cup Water Tower

Unique tower has outlasted a takeover of the company.
Lexington, Kentucky

Bondurant's Pharmacy

A pharmacy built in the shape of a mortar and pestle, now resembles a fancy cocktail.
Lexington, Kentucky

The Monroe Moosnick Medical and Science Museum

Outstanding collection of 19th century medical instruments includes a life-size figure cast from as many as 200 cadavers.
Corbin, Kentucky

Harland Sanders Cafe and Museum

The first KFC is on the National Register of Historic Places.