rygyver724's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cold Spring, Minnesota

Grasshopper Chapel

After four years of grasshopper plagues, this chapel was erected as a plea to God to make them end.
Linthicum Heights, Maryland

Urology Museum

Fascinating museum dedicated to the under-appreciated medical history of urology features some wince-inducing devices.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Marjorie McNeely Conservatory (Como Park)

Home to the Amorphophallus titanum "Corpse Flower," which is among the largest flowers in the world and also smells powerfully of rotting flesh when in bloom.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Geek Partnership Society

A nerdcentric group and creators of the Nerd Prom.
Rosemount, Minnesota

UMore Park Abandoned Munitions Plant

The remains of a World War II munitions factory still haunt the fields of this Twin Cities suburb.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Seventh Street Improvement Arches

This double-arched masonry highway bridge is the only structure of its kind in Minnesota.
St. Joseph, Minnesota

Saint John's Abbey Church

A jaw-dropping brutalist space church seems to have crash-landed in the middle of America.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Pavek Museum

Explore the History & Technology of Electronic Communication
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Ax-Man Surplus

The Midwest's reigning king of surplus stores is full of nothing you need and everything you want.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Center for Lost Objects

An unusual assortment of art, furniture, and other curiosities.
Montrose, South Dakota

Porter Sculpture Park

A roadside collection of over-sized iron creations that are a bit more macabre than most.
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Thunderhead Underground Falls

A waterfall 600 ft. inside a mountain, once the bane of gold miners, is now a spectacle of nature.
Argonne, South Dakota

Argonne Ghost Town

Once a thriving town of 100, Argonne was abandoned around 1970.