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Places visited in Huntsville, Alabama
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Huntsville, Alabama


This 12-foot-tall T-rex is the largest K’Nex skeleton sculpture in the world.
Huntsville, Alabama

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

Once a bustling cotton factory, this early 20th-century building is now home to a thriving artspace.
Huntsville, Alabama


A propulsion engine testbed that paved the way for the Space Shuttle launch sits without recognition at this rocket center.
Huntsville, Alabama

Pathfinder and the MPTA-ET

It may look like no more than a full-scale model, but every part of this full Space Shuttle stack had a working role in aviation history.
Huntsville, Alabama

The Grave of Miss Baker

Bananas are often left for the first monkey America ever recovered alive after being launched into space.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
Kansas City, Missouri

Dalí Collection at Hallmark Visitors Center

The famous greeting card maker owns a collection of paintings by the famed surrealist.
Huntsville, Alabama

Dead Children's Playground

What else would you call a playground hidden in Alabama's oldest and largest cemetery?
Sedalia, Missouri

Bothwell Lodge

This historic cliffside mansion uses a natural cave for air conditioning.