cevinatier's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Botanical Garden

A grassroots community effort in the 1970s led to the creation of this beautiful garden full of delightfully whimsical exhibits.
Ottawa, Ontario

Vietnamese Commemorative Monument

A 1995 memorial acknowledges the tremendous contributions of Vietnamese refugees to Canada.
Ottawa, Ontario

Central Experimental Farm

A sprawling Victorian farm that has been surrounded by a capital city is one of Canada's greatest treasures.
Ottawa, Ontario

Mer Bleue Bog

A boardwalk winds above this beautiful bog full of wildlife and a rare type of turtle.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Consulate

No passport is required to eat around the world at this elegant restaurant.
Washington, D.C.

The Mansion on O Street

With over 100 jam-packed rooms to explore plus elaborate tea services and events, the Mansion on O Street is a hidden treasure.
Washington, D.C.

Sergeant Stubby

The most decorated dog of World War I is preserved in the Smithsonian.
Washington, D.C.

Renwick Gallery

The first purpose-built art gallery in the United States is once again open as a center of craft arts.
Seattle, Washington

Egan's Ballard Jam House

This jazz venue welcomes performers nightly and students daily.
Seattle, Washington

Mount Pleasant Cemetery

This graveyard contains markers and monuments dedicated to some of the darkest chapters in Washington's history.
Seattle, Washington

Full Tilt Ice Cream and Pinball Arcade

An ice cream parlor chain that caters to vegans and pinball fans equally.
Montreal, Québec

Our Lady of La Difesa

This famous church is adorned by a mural commemorating the independence of Vatican City.
Montreal, Québec

Farine Five Roses Sign

Two thirds of this Montreal neon icon has survived to flash another day.
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim CycloCable

The world's first and only escalator for lazy bicycles and their daunted riders.

Geilo Ice Music Festival

Norway's chilly all ice-instrument festival.
Stavanger, Norway

Sverd I Fjell

Monuments don't get much more metal than these three giant viking swords planted in a Nordic hill.
Oslo, Norway

Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum

An artist's mausoleum with a haunting echo.
Luster, Norway

Nigardsbreen Ice Cave

A stunning silver lining to global warming's gloomy cloud.
Averøy, Norway

Atlantic Road

A serpentine highway twists and turns over the treacherous Norwegian Sea.
San Francisco, California

Spreckels Mansion

27-room home built with the fortune of a sugar magnate.
San Francisco, California

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Inside this museum, the history of the Walt Disney Family empire is on full display.
San Francisco, California

Fairmont San Francisco Penthouse Suite

San Francisco's most expensive hotel suite includes a secret passageway rumored to have been used by JFK.
San Francisco, California

Urbano Sundial

A promotional sun clock on the site of San Francisco's great raceway.
Detroit, Michigan

Baobab Fare

Hamissi Mamba and Nadia Nijimbere opened this community-minded restaurant serving dishes from their native Burundi.