99sszskdr5's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tampa, Florida

La Segunda Central Bakery

This century-old bakery produces 18,000 loaves of traditional Cuban bread every day.
Orlando, Florida

Jack Kerouac House

The humble home where the famous beat author lived briefly and wrote one of his most famous works.
Winter Park, Florida

The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art

An Orlando museum houses the world’s most comprehensive collection of work by Louis Comfort Tiffany.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Museum

This library and museum is dedicated to the life and literature of the Indianapolis native author.
Providence, Rhode Island

Providence Athenaeum

A 19th century library favored by Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft, known by locals as "the Ath."
Montreal, Québec

Notre Dame Basilica

A grand Gothic Revival basilica with stained glass depictions of Montreal's religious history has only one soul resting in its crypt.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.
Montreal, Québec

Marché Jean-Talon

Montreal's giant farmer's market is a foodie's best friend, especially in the winter months.
Sanibel, Florida

Pistol Shrimp of Ding Darling

Just below the surface, shrimp are producing temperatures hotter than the sun.
Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville Pinball Museum

This North Carolina museum is keeping the pinball craze alive, with a little Space Invaders on the side.
Asheville, North Carolina

Flat Iron Sculpture

This giant iron playfully pays tribute to an early 20th-century architectural trend.
Asheville, North Carolina

Pritchard Park Drum Circle

Every week, a festive public jam session breaks out in downtown Asheville.
Asheville, North Carolina

Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center

Carrying on the legacy of a short-lived experimental school tucked away in the mountains of North Carolina.
Orlando, Florida

Wells'Built Museum

During segregation, this Orlando hotel hosted performers like Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Now it's a museum dedicated to preserving local Black history.
Palm Springs, California

Lee R. Baxandall Bridge

The so-called "Bridge of Thighs" in Palm Springs allows nudists to discreetly cross the road.
Palm Springs, California

Robo Lights

An outdoor sculpture park of giant pink robots and post-apocalyptic Christmas scenes.
Thousand Palms, California

Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve

Hike amid the palm trees that thrive among Southern California's Indio Hills.
Niland, California

East Jesus

An off-grid art installation that encourages its visitors to imagine a world without waste.
Calipatria, California

Slab City

This abandoned Navy base was transformed into an off-grid alternative living community for thousands of people.
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.
Indio, California

Shields Date Garden

A giant knight, sex education, date shakes, and Jesus coexist happily in this Coachella Valley desert oasis.