Trovants of Costesti, Romania – Wallachia, Romania - Atlas Obscura

Trovants of Costesti, Romania

The growing stones of Romania. 

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Known in Romania as “Trovants” the stones of Costesti, Romania are a type of sandstone concretion that secrete cement and can at times appear to grow as if alive.

Consisting of a stone core with an outer shell of sand, after a heavy rain small forms are said to appear on the rocks leading them to be dubbed the “growing stones” by locals.

The “Muzeul Trovantilor” or “Trovants Museum Natural Reserve “ was created in 2004 to protect the unusual geological creations.

Know Before You Go

Costesti village, 38 km away from Rm.Valcea, on the national road DN67, on the way to Targu Jiu

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August 8, 2011

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