Angel De Cora Museum and Research Center
Winnebago, Nebraska
A Winnebago Tribe collection featuring arrowheads, artwork, and a mysterious rock carving.
The water serpent carving.
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Founded in 2002, this local museum and research center is run by the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska and houses artwork and artifacts pertaining to the tribe. The museum is named after the famous tribe member Angel De Cora, a Winnebago artist, Native American rights advocate, and teacher at Carlisle Indian School in the 19th century. The museum collection features Pow Wow regalia, ancient pottery and arrowheads, artwork depicting prominent tribe members, and a replica of a rock wall carving of a mythical creature known in the native tongue as the Wakjexi, or water serpent.
Know Before You Go
The museum is located in the Thunderclan building of Little Priest Tribal College. It is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, and after hours and weekends by phone request.
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