This post was written by Carly Pifer and originally appeared on Per la Mente. Discover more like this at Per La Mente.

Waiting for a bartender to shake or stir your drink is so yesterday. Brooklyn creator Michael Cirino, boasting some serious Italian heritage cred—check the mustache—decided to change the game. That’s kinda his M.O.: His culinary experience company A Razor/A Shiny Knife has long conceived and executed unexpected and unusual events, like serving a fancy lunch on the L train or organizing a 100-course meal for a discerning crowd.

His latest endeavor, for which he built a gigantic bar that doubles as launching and landing pad, is making cocktails (like the recipe below) with drones.

Remember: don't drink and drone.
Remember: don’t drink and drone. Sonic Highlark, Brittany NO FOMO

The Pilot

Stir all ingredients and serve over ice. Garnish with candied ginger.

  • 1/2 oz. lime juice
  • 3/4 oz. ginger syrup
  • 1/2 oz. Fernet-Branca
  • 1 1/2 oz. gin
  • Candied ginger